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David is the photoshop master and I'm the evil looking face and the handwriting.
Merry Christmas everybody! God jul!

I'm wearing my most christmasy outfit, white over the knee socks and cardigan, my hair all curly. I'm so ready for the day!

Here in Sweden we celebrate today so this is the last christmas card in this advent calendar.
Have a lovely holiday everybody!

/The evil looking angel
And as usual David is responsible for putting my face on the postcard and I'm all about the photo modelling and penmanship.
I'm so full I can't move.
And there's so much christmas candy to try!
Only one more card to go now. I feel kind of sad, it's been so much fun! But don't worry, Postcard of the week will return soon again so you'll get your dose of vintage postcards.

Oh, time to try the liqourice fudge that my mother just made!
Look! David is in the card too today!
We are celebrating our 6 years together with a nice meal at the restaurant where we last year made our engagement official. We had decided a few months before that on our anniversary day we were going to get engaged. Our rings hadn't made it to us yet so we painted rings on eachother's fingers with markers.
David really is my favourite person and I can't believe how lucky I am to have this crazy and wonderful man in my life. Sappy, I know. But so true.
Next year we are getting married. So grown up! But we are doing it our way. No church, no priest, no big fancy wedding. Just us and our love for eachother.
Oh, I'm going to start crying if I continue with this emotional stuff.

One more thing: Jag älskar dig, David.
Yeah, yeah, you know the drill. David does the photoshop stuff and I'm the face and handwriting.
Ahhhh, busy busy busy! So many gifts to wrap, so many things to pack!
Can't spend any time here, so byeeeeee! See you tomorrow for an extra super cute card. With a guest appearance!
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